Hybrid:the best of both worlds

...Also great for if you want a big audience but only have a small room.

Hybrid Events are a fairly new concept in the grand scheme of things, however the potential they offer is not to be sniffed at…

Being able to offer the ability to attend and network at an event that you couldn’t quite squeeze the travel time in to your diary for is pretty useful…

There’s more…

Your event having a global reach for your event sponsors, while having your entire show filmed with broadcast quality cameras and streamed to a built for purpose event platform offering networking, rewatching and archiving not only increases the footfall (watch time) of your event. This also offers a catalogue of footage to be reused for promotional material for future events and the possibilities of generating further revenue streams in the form of, for example, an “on demand” sponsor!!

Get in touch below if you have an upcoming in room event and feel that adding a hybrid aspect could be beneficial to you, your audience or your sponsors!


FAO Event Organisers: What can you do with your own Platform?