10 features of the MSG platform you probably don’t know about!

1.    Client Dashboard

It is important to give event managers and organisers the tools they need to ensure their events run successfully.

The client dashboard offers event organisers an admin login to their platform and from here they can view analytics and reports, manage user journeys, amend content, review the live stream, and organise user accounts.

2.  On-Platform Breakout Rooms

It is always a nice idea to “break” up the day with some roundtable discussions/breakout rooms, and there is nothing worse than having to switch between platforms!

Luckily, with your own MSG platform you can split attendees into breakout rooms completely hassle free. Simply, ask your delegates to open their breakout room at the bottom of their page and they are in!

We can even pre-allocate attendees prior to the event, ensuring all users end up in the correct room!

3.  Hybrid View  

Bridging the gap between the in-room audience and their online counterparts has never been easier! The hybrid view allows in-room delegates access to the platform in the same manner virtual attendees do.

All the features that are available to the online delegates are available to the in-room delegates, in a mobile friendly layout. This allows for networking beyond the four walls of the conference room. 

4.  Advanced Security   

Security is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of an online event, but not on our watch!

The MSG platform has a variety of security features in place to ensure that your event is only viewed by those who have been invited, are part of your organisation, or have been granted permission. Some of these features include:

· 2FA (Two factor authentication) to ensure people are who they say they are;
· Strong password requirements;
· Restrict registrations by email domain;
· IP based geo location blocking;
. Admin approval for new signups -If required;
. A limit on password resets before admin intervention;

 5.  Translation  

The beauty of virtual and hybrid events is their worldwide reach, however, with an international audience, there is the potential issue of a language barrier - Insert the MSG platform!

At the top of the event page, users will see a national flag for each language the event is being broadcasted in. When the user clicks on the required nationality, the platform copy and the live event video window will switch to the corresponding language.  

6.  Sponsor Spotlighting

As well as the traditional sponsor pages on the event page of the platform, there is now the opportunity to spotlight sponsors in other areas.

You can choose to display sponsors on the landing page as attendees register, display them in the lobby, or display a headline sponsor front and centre above the live stream window for all to see!

Sponsoring live streamed breakout rooms is another option too! This option allows sponsors the opportunity to showcase their content on an entirely different event page!

7.  Advanced Analytics

Arguably, analytics are the most important feature of any event platform, so it’s safe to say we have taken them seriously.

With the MSG advanced analytics pack, you will be able to see how long attendees have watched specific media, who attended which sessions and who clicked on individual links. All this data is available to export at the click of a button and can be found on the client dashboard!

8.  User Journeys

The ability to split up users can be crucial to an event, especially if you you do not want a certain group of attendees to see certain documents/media – Introducing, user journeys!

As standard the platform includes the ability to have up to four user journeys, these journeys can control the content visible by each group of delegates, directing them to different lobbies/stream pages, if you have a multi-room event.

These routes can be totally independent, or combined, allowing users from each route to move around the event depending on what sessions they would like to view.
Each journey has it’s own registration page, with independently set overview information styling and a countdown timer.

 9.  On-demand/ Re-watch 

“Sorry I couldn’t make the event, have you got a recording I could view?”

The above is a common question nowadays and with an MSG platform, an easy one to answer. Simply, direct users back to the platform to view the on-demand content! - The client dashboard will also remain active post event and can be reviewed using the on-demand analytics.

10. Lobby   

The lobby is where all of your users will end up pre-event. Therefore, there is no better place to give your delegates some pre-event information.

The lobby is extremely customisable. Choose the types of content you wish to make available pre event, this could be: the agenda, sponsor pages, downloadable content, or presenter biographies.

In the lobby, users will have the ability to add the event to their calendar. This is vital for many organisations who work in a calendar driven working environment.

In addition to the above, your attendees onward journey couldn’t be an easier one. As soon as the countdown expires on the lobby, the delegates will be automatically redirected to the correct live event they have registered for - No more getting lost on event platforms!


Why use the MSG Platform, when there are plenty of alternatives?